Major Growth Projects

Citadel Joint VenturE (JV)

The Citadel JV Project area consists of approximately 1,200km2 of highly prospective but largely underexplored Proterozoic stratigraphy in the north of the Paterson Province.

Antipa and Rio Tinto entered a Farm-in and Joint Venture Agreement over the Citadel Project in October 2015. Rio Tinto has since earned a 68% interest in the JV by (i) sole funding $25 million in exploration on the tenements up to 31 March 2021 and then (ii) co-contributing to future JV expenditure in accordance with its relevant JV interest.

Major Growth Projects


Calibre was a greenfields gold-copper-silver discovery made by Antipa in 2012 utilising geophysical techniques. The deposit lies 1.5km north-east of the Company’s Magnum deposit and 45km east of Rio Tinto's Winu copper-gold-silver development project.

The geological setting of Calibre is Paterson Province Proterozoic aged, predominantly meta-sediment hosted hydrothermal shear, fault and strata/contact controlled precious and/or base metal mineralisation that is typically sulphide bearing. The deposit lies beneath 70-85m of post mineralisation cover, largely of Permian age.


Magnum is a low grade, high tonnage gold-copper-silver mineral system 2km long by up to 600m wide and 600m deep located less than 1km south-west of Calibre. The deposit also hosts significant high grade gold and copper mineralisation in several lenses.

Like Calibre, the Magnum system is open in most directions. Significant exploration upside exists with an isolated drill intercept of 1.4m at 1.72 g/t Au, 6.79%Cu and 32.03 g/t Ag returned 600m south of the Magnum resource and other untested geophysical targets.




In July 2020, Antipa entered into a farm-in agreement with established base metals and lithium company IGO Ltd in respect to a 1,550 km2 portion of its 100%-owned landholding in the Paterson Province, which has been named the Paterson Project.

The agreement caters for a staged-farm-in process whereby IGO must spend an initial $4 million on exploration on the landholding within 2.5 years and a further $26 million within 6.5 years to earn a 70% joint venture interest in the Project. The initial $4 million minimum exploration expenditure milestone was satisfied in December 2021. Effective from 31 March 2022, IGO became manager and operator of the Project.

The farm-in area is contiguous with the Citadel Joint Venture in the north, runs to within 20km of Newcrest Mining’s Telfer gold operation in the south and surrounds the Company's Minyari Dome area. It includes a new gold-copper trend identified by Antipa in 2019 that covers the Reaper, Serrano and Poblano targets over a strike length of approximately 1.8km. The Company’s interpretation is that Reaper, Poblano and Serrano could all form part of the same very large-scale mineral system. There are multiple other areas of interest within the project that are likely to be the focus of future exploration work, including several co-incident magnetic-gravity high targets.

Under the terms of the farm-in agreement with IGO, Antipa will be free-carried until the completion of a feasibility study on any proposed mining operation within the Project area.


In late February 2020, Antipa entered into a farm-in agreement with established gold miner Newcrest Mining in respect to a 2,260km2 portion of Antipa’s southern landholding in the Paterson Province, which has been named the Wilki Project.

The agreement caters for a staged farm-in process whereby Newcrest Mining must spend an initial $6 million on exploration within two years of commencement; a further $10 million within five years of commencement to earn a 51% interest; and a further $44 million within eight years of commencement to earn a 75% interest. In certain circumstances, Newcrest Mining can extend this earn-in period by up to two years. The initial $6 million minimum exploration expenditure milestone was satisfied in November 2021 and Newcrest elected to proceed to the next stage of the farm-in.

Effective from 1 July 2022, Newcrest became manager and operator of the Project.

The Wilki Project area surrounds Newcrest Mining’s long-running Telfer gold-copper-silver mine and comes to within 9km of Newcrest-Greatland Gold’s Havieron high-grade gold-copper development project, and also includes existing gold Mineral Resources at the Tim’s Dome and Chicken Ranch deposits as well as multiple defined greenfields exploration targets including Havieron analogue targets.



The Chicken Ranch deposit is located 15km from the giant Telfer gold-copper-silver mine. It hosts mineralisation along a 3km+ strike length within four or more parallel mineralised gold trends starting from as shallow as 1m and extending down for more than 130 metres vertical metres.

Chicken Ranch hosts an Inferred Mineral Resource of 791,000 tonnes at 1.6 g/t gold for 40,300 ounces of gold. The prospect retains excellent exploration upside with multiple untested mineralised trends displaying significant strike extents, while the primary mineralisation remains untested at depth.



Tim’s Dome South is located just 12km from the Telfer gold-copper-silver mine and is interpreted as the re-emergence of the Telfer Dome structure with the potential for high-grade Telfer reef-style mineralisation.

Gold +/- copper mineralisation starts from as shallow as 1m in a gold vein-bearing corridor of up to 200m wide over a 3.5km strike length within a broader 8km trend.

Tim’s Dome contains a resource of 1.78 million tonnes at 1.1 g/t Au for 63,200 ounces of gold.


Major Growth Projects


Wilki Project (Newcrest Farm-in)

Wilki Project - Mineral Resources Summary

Citadel Project (Rio Tinto JV)

Citadel Project - Mineral Resources Summary

Click Here to download the PDF file.

Competent Persons Statement – Mineral Resource Estimations for the Calibre Deposit, Magnum Deposit and Chicken Ranch Area Deposits and Tim’s Dome Deposit:

The Tim’s Dome and Chicken Ranch deposits Mineral Resources is extracted from the report entitled “Chicken Ranch and Tims Dome Maiden Mineral Resources” created on 13 May 2019 with Competent Person Shaun Searle, the Calibre deposit Mineral Resource information is extracted from the report entitled “Calibre Gold Resource Increases 62% to 2.1 Million Ounces” created on 17 May 2021 with Competent Person Ian Glacken, and the Magnum deposit Mineral Resource information is extracted from the report entitled “Calibre and Magnum Deposit Mineral Resource JORC 2012 Updates” created on 23 February 2015 with Competent Person Patrick Adams, all of which are available to view on and The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original market announcements and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the relevant original market announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Person’s findings are presented have not been materially modified from the original market announcements.

Gold Metal Equivalent Information ‐ Calibre Mineral Resource Gold Equivalent cut‐off grade:

Gold Equivalent (Aueq) details of material factors and metal equivalent formula are reported in “Calibre Gold Resource Increases 62% to 2.1 Million Ounces” created on 17 May 2021 which is available to view on and

Gold Metal Equivalent Information ‐ Magnum Mineral Resource Gold Equivalent cut‐off grade:

Gold Equivalent (Aueq) details of material factors and metal equivalent formula are reported in “Citadel Project ‐ Calibre and Magnum Deposit Mineral Resource JORC 2012 Updates” created on 23 February 2015 which is available to view on and