Home » Minyari Dome Project
The 100%-owned Minyari Dome Project area covers 877 km2 and features a geological structure referred to as Minyari Dome, which hosts the Minyari and WACA deposits.
In May 2022, an updated Minyari Dome Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) was announced. The Minyari Dome combined Mineral Resource now contains 1.8 million ounces of gold, 64,300 tonnes of copper, 584,000 ounces of silver and 11,100 tonnes of cobalt.
In August 2022, the Company announced
the key outcomes of the Scoping Study completed on the Minyari Dome Project.
The Scoping Study identifies a potential stand-alone gold mining and
processing operation at Minyari Dome. It presented the preliminary evaluation
of such a development at Minyari Dome based on the May 2022 MRE. Key highlights
of the Scoping Study included:
- Initial combined open pit and underground mining inventory of 21.4 Mt at 1.6 g/t gold for 1.1 Moz.
- 7+ years initial processing life at nameplate 3 Mtpa throughput.
- Simple, non-refractory metallurgy allows standard CIL process plant with 90% average gold recovery.
- Total initial gold output of 975 koz, with an average of 170 koz p.a. for the first five years.
- Forecast average AISC of A$1,475/oz (US$1,062/oz).
- Total pre-production capital cost of A$275M (includes pre-production ore and waste mining of A$68M).
- Pre-tax NPV7 of A$392M and 34% IRR (at US$1,750/oz gold and 0.72 A$/US$).
- Post-tax NPV7 of A$278M and 29% IRR (at US$1,750/oz gold and 0.72 A$/US$).
- Post-tax payback of approximately 2.5 years from first production.
- Latent potential to boost project economics with resource upside and by-product opportunities.
The Paterson Province geological setting of the Minyari Dome deposits is Proterozoic-aged, predominantly meta-sediment hosted intrusion related vein, breccia and replacement style precious and/or base metal mineralisation. Local controls on mineralisation commonly involve variations in both the competency/hardness and chemical composition of rock units, in combination with other “discrete” structural and intrusion controls.
At the Minyari deposit during 2021 mineralisation was discovered immediately east, west, and both up plunge to the southeast and down plunge to the northwest, including significant high‐grade breccia style gold-copper mineralisation.
In February 2023, Antipa regained sole rights to the Tetris, Pacman and
Pixel tenements and greenfield targets (previously part of the Wilki
Farm-in Project with Newcrest). Following
the transaction, Antipa’s 100% controlled land holding in the Paterson
Province was boosted to approximately 877km2 (previously 144km2).
100% owned Mineral Resource
Of Highly Prospective Gold, Copper and cobalt Ground
Mineral Resource Summary
Competent Persons Statement – Mineral Resource Estimations for the Minyari Dome Project
The information on this website that
relates to relates to the estimation and reporting of the Minyari Dome Project
deposits Mineral Resources is extracted from the report entitled “Minyari Dome Project Gold Resource
Increases 250% to 1.8 Moz”
created on 2 May 2022 with Competent Persons Ian Glacken, Jane Levett, Susan
Havlin and Victoria Lawns, which are available
to view on antipaminerals.com.au and asx.com.au. The Company confirms
that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the
information included in the original market announcements and that all material
assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the relevant
original market announcements continue to apply and have not materially
changed. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the Competent
Person’s findings are presented have not been materially modified from the
original market announcements.
Gold Metal Equivalent Information – Minyari Dome Project Mineral Resource Gold Equivalent cut‐off grade:
Gold Equivalent (Aueq) details of material factors and metal equivalent formula are reported in “Minyari Dome Project Gold Resource Increases 250% to 1.8 Million Ounces of Gold” created on 2 May 2022 which is available to view on antipaminerals.com.au and asx.com.au.